Opportunities at FPHEC
Be part of something unique - our members are fun, our work is fascinating and diverse, and your learning curve will be significant. The FPHEC is looking for motivated B.B.A. students who have a strong interest in the financial markets.
Weekly Meetings
Discuss with finance professionals
Sector presentations
Buy or sell recommendation of a stock

Toronto Trip
Meet professionals and network with alumni
Investment Banking,
Asset Management, Consulting and others
Learning Opportunities
Steep learning curve through practical experiences and interview preparation
The Training the Street Financial Modeling Seminar

Networking Events
Extend your professional network with over 290 FPHEC alumni and participate to exclusive business cocktails and conferences

Interview process
The winter interview process consists of a single round. This round includes a 10-minute presentation where candidates are asked to provide a buy or sell recommendation for a selected Canadian security. Following the presentation, there will be 10 minutes of questions related to the company and 10 minutes of personal fit questions.
It is important to note that the questions will be tailored based on the candidate’s year of study. Expectations will differ for candidates in their first, second, or third year at HEC. The key focus is on demonstrating motivation, a strong willingness to learn, and a genuine interest in finance.
Please email us at fphec.mtl@gmail.com if you require further assistance.

How to apply?
The winter 2025 application window is open!
To apply online, please submit your resume, latest transcript and a cover letter on our application form. All three documents must be saved in one file in PDF format. You will find the timeline below. Please note that only full applications will be considered. ​
Here is the link to the forms:
Send in your application including your CV, cover letter, transcript on our application form.
Deadline: Monday Jan. 6
Deadline: September 3rd
Book the interview
One day after the first-round application deadline, selected candidates will receive a link to schedule their interview.
The initial selection will be based on the resume, academic grades, and cover letter.
Deadline: September 3rd
Interviews will be on Thursday, January 9th, 2025. Candidates will receive a stock to present 24 hours before their presentation.
The interview consists of 10 minutes presentation of the company, 10 minutes of questions on the presentation and 10 minutes of questions based on fit.
Deadline: September 3rd
Decision Sent Out
All candidates will receive a call on Thursday night regarding their application decision.
Feedback will also be provided to candidates that did not make the final cut.
Deadline: September 3rd